01-13-2003, 05:30 AM
Learning to talk sexy
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 3,264
OK, here's my "buck up" speach ..... MOST romantic relationships don't end in happily ever after ... most end in a split .... if you look at that as being a bad thing, then you'll believe that you have failed at relationships ..... it isn't true! .... Most relationships aren't really meant to last forever ..... if you're lucky ... out of all the ones you try, you'll find one that will last that extended period of time ..... however, you probably won't find it at 18. It's about looking around, trying things out, testing the water and swimming for awhile (when you get the chance) and then trying a different pool ..... don't lock yourself into something when there are soooooo many big decisions in life still ahead of you .... you need to find out about you and what you like and what's most important to you .... and though you may think you've figured it all out, so did we all at 18 and I'd guess almost everyone of us will admit that there was still a whole lot more to figure out about ourselves and what we want, etc. ..... usually settles down for females about 25+ years old and for men, 27+ years old .... (that's a big generalization..... but sometimes statistics can be useful).
Anyway, I agree with so much of what others have said here ... be you!!!!!! figure out who YOU are and what you want and need ... don't let someone else determine that for you or you'll end up at 40+ feeling like the world has passed you by!!! Be confident .... hard to do sometimes, but the best way to start ... find something you do well or that you like about yourself and know that it's ok to be pleased with that!!!!
And just so you know, most girls at 18 are still a long way from figuring out what they want long-term, they are just playing .... my personal opinion about why they go for bad boys .... bad boys make themselves a bit out of reach .... and most of those girls don't intend to keep them once they do manage to reach them, just play for awhile .... in other words, hopefully they know they aren't really ready to settle down yet, so they are playing at having relationships. Just my rather jumbled opinion .... hope something I said is of value in your quest.