01-04-2003, 04:43 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 25
body image.... blah on that lmao caused me nothing but problems ,seems to me this has to be one of the most evil things around, every single girl I have gone out with has low self esteem from wanting to be a skinny super model type
blah on that I like a girl with a bit of meat one her bones, not that theres anything wrong with skinny girls ya know I just don't find it the most attractive
my fiance and I are both young, I'm 19 and she's 22 and we are both a bit on the heavier side, lol I"m bigger than she is ironically enough as she is always complaining about being to big and wanted to lose weight , however, she's only around 170-180 pounds at 5 foot 11, so she's not really that big at all and she looks great but I just can't seem to get it to her that she's not fat
ironicaly enough I'm touch bigger than her at like 230 at 5 foot 7 yet she doesn't think I'm big at all, she says that it's different for girls bah
dang society causin me nothin but problems lol