11-06-2011, 08:28 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: United States
Posts: 29
Mortagin returned to his father’s castle in a rush. The state of his britches was precarious, his rod pulsing against the fabric threatening to tear the fabric. Never had he been so instantly hard! The beauty of the elven princess was nothing short of angelic. Her dainty features haloed by her silvery blonde hair made him long to run his hands though the flaxen strands. The curves she boasted even hidden under her neck high ankle length dress promised hours of sweet plunder. He longed to see her milky white skin underneath her royal blue garments. But a crease wrinkled his forehead as he frowned, but she was so small! How would he ever mate her slight frame! He had heard tell of their magic and maybe that was the answer, but still he worried. He lusted for his betrothed but he was not a barbarian and did not want to cause her undo pain. Stealing into his private bathing chamber where the hot springs ran, he quickly stripped off his clothing and slipped into the waters. The heat soothed his muscles but his cock ached for release. Reaching down to grab his thick length he began to pump it while imagining her soft pink tongue….
He wondered what the smooth warm tongue of hers would feel like licking his length and shudders flew down his spine. Imagining he stripped her bare and held her creamy thighs above his bulge, he slowly penetrated her folds in his mind. Pumping faster his breathing sped and soon came his hot gushing release. Oh he was going to have a hard time waiting for his prize.