01-02-2003, 05:08 PM
here and there
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Western NY
Posts: 3,601
Originally posted by Dunchad
Never get teh metal ones. When you are erect your penis can grow around it and then you have the probelm of not being able to get it off.
this is not the only time I have heard this advice.
The issue, as I understand it, with the metal ones (and other hard material ones) is that they can be a real hazard. When the ring is doing its job, it restricts the blood flow out of the penis and thus the erection does not come down as quickly. The problem arises when the ring is too tight... how do you get it off? answer? You don't, and that can be a huge problem as after a certain amount of time (not sure, but have heard 1/2 hour) tissue/nerve damage can occur.
This is why the ones that snap on or are latex (and thus easily cut off if problems arise) are recommended.
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