01-02-2003, 12:08 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Tennessee
Posts: 15
As I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body she does.
I don't bother keeping track of time or the amount of orgasms my partners have as that takes concentration away from them. I beleive in giving your undivided attention to your partner and just tuning out the outside world no matter where you happen to be. (can also get you into trouble....) Anyways, mutual orgasm is also a wonder when it can be acheived but I have only a few experiences with this one as none of my "relationships" were actually the long term typed ones in the past few yrs. The only tip I can give here is to keep your body under control and to maximize your partners pleasure at any chance you get. Errogenous zones are relatively easy to find on any woman and thus you can assure her pleasure and of course your own. Excellent lovers are made not born, contrary to most peoples opinion.
Life is Chaos,
Chaos is life,
The Heartless One