Thread: Test Drive
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Old 07-02-2011, 09:55 AM
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Pixies Horse Widower
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Moaning once more, I felt Debbie raise herself up the length of my cock and then slam down, filling herself even more full of my length than before. Again and again she moved until her body was a blur of movement and sweat, and I could feel my balls tighten as my own orgasm approached. Debbie obviously felt my release was imminent too and, sitting up straight, almost losing a nipple in the process, she placed her palms on my chest and looked me straight in the eyes as my penis exploded it's first jet of hot sperm deep inside her tight cunt. One, two ….. eventually, four strong pulses of my spunk filled Debbie's hot pussy, my slowly losing it's rigidity and softening sensually inside her. With a long sigh of pleasure, Debbie slid to one side and lay lay cuddling me until we both fell asleep.

When I woke some hours later, I entertained hopes we might repeat our earlier exploits – but Debbie was gone. A note was lying on the floor by the bed, obviously dislodged by me, or the breeze form the window.

“Dearest Tom,” it began.
“My motive for wanting to sleep with you tonight was pure in it's conception, but when I looked into your eyes, I wanted you for myself. Now I've had you, yet I know you are exactly what my mother wants and needs, and I won't stand in her way, or yours.
Please do not ever mention tonight again, and nor will I. I love my mother beyond words, and I want her to be happy – with you.
Deb XX”

Reading this brought tears to my eyes, and I knew then Debbie was indeed her mother's daughter; pure of motive and full of love for her family.

I was to learn very soon, this was a trait that ran in the family, too!

~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~

Friday. Last day of the working week, and also the first day after having had mind-blowing sex with a gorgeous woman barely half my age. True to Debbie's request, though, I made no mention of last nights events when I bumped into Debbie around the office, and on her part, she comported herself in her usual professional manner. I had half expected she would drop me a quick note, or maybe an email, but nothing happened at all, which to be honest was probably for the best.

I finished late that night, due to problems with a supplier, so it was nearly nine o'clock by the time I got home. That, only half a sandwich to eat, plus my exertions of the night before, left me feeling quite tired. I figured on a quick beer then an early night for once. It was not to be. As I poured my beer, the phone rang shrilly in the quiet evening. I was tempted to let it go to voicemail, but given the problems with the supplier earlier, I thought it might be work, so I answered.

“Hi.....” long pause.

“Is this Tom Green?” A rush of words, the feminine voice somehow familiar, but not really – you know the feeling?

Too quickly,

“Debbie? Is that you?” Stupid, STUPID, Tom – she knows your number, you dolt! She doesn't need to ask!

“No-o-o.... I'm Pamela, Debbie's sister” came the slightly tremulous reply.

“Oh, Pamela – right.” Not the smoothest answer Tom – get a grip! “Erm, fine, Pamela, what can I do for you?” Back in control now.

“I'm actually down the street in my car. I wondered if I could come in and speak to you. It's about mum......”

Well. Talk about deja vu! Still, I'd only ever met Pamela very briefly a couple of times, due to her having moved out to go to university when she was 17, and never moving back in.

“Sure you can” I replied, “just give me a minute to straighten the place up”.

“Great, I'll be there in 5 minutes” Pamela hung up.

I ran in to my bedroom and ripped the sheets off the bed – not that I was expecting anything like last night, but because of the evidence of sex from last night; I quickly re-made the bed, smoothing the sheet and cover down just as the front-door bell rang.

Opening the door I was greeted to the sight of another gorgeous young woman standing on my step, this one very slim with short blonde hair and wide, bright-blue eyes. It appeared that she had been at work, dressed as she was in a white blouse and blue skirt, the ensemble completed by a pair of 4-inch heels in the same shade of blue as her eyes.

“Come in,” I motioned to Pamela, “can I offer you a coffee, or something stronger to drink?”

“Um, no thanks ….... I mean, yes please, I'll have a coffee” came the flustered answer, Pamela's face turning faintly pink I colour in her embarrassment. Something in common with her sister then, I pondered, to match the faint hint of freckles across the bridge of her nose I'd already noticed.

I heard Pamela moving about my house as I fixed the coffee machine, and was glad I'd taken those few minutes to re-make my bed and quickly straighten up the house. When the coffees were poured, Pamela was sitting in the very same chair her sister had been sat in a mere 24 hours earlier, the setting sun catching highlights in her hair and giving her bright blue eyes added sheen.

“Right then Pamela,” I began once we were settled with our coffees, “what exactly brings you here tonight?”

“Well, er, it's umm ...difficult to just …..come out and say!” she stammered her answer, blushing furiously as she spoke, and coming to a halt as she stared at me like a rabbit caught in headlights.

“You mentioned something about Pat; I mean, your mum,” I helped her out, not wanting the poor girl to suffer any longer in her embarrassment.

“Yes, that was it,” Pamela was a little more relaxed now, “ and please, call me Pam. I prefer it”.

“Of course I will – Pam” I winked at her in reply.

“OK, right,” Pam went on, “the thing is, mum's a bit worried about the next stage in your relationship” she was getting into her stride now, “about, you know, sleeping together. She doesn't think she'll be able to manage your …..size.

There. I've said it” she ended.

“Lord” I though to myself, “has Pat talked about me to every female she knows?”

Truth be told, and despite what had happened last night, I was a little bit annoyed Pat had spoken to Debbie about my penis size, and now I knew she'd spoken to Pamela too! I hadn't managed to speak with Pat over the past few days, because her shifts as a nurse meant she'd been on 12-hour nights this past week. It was also part of the reason our relationship was moving slowly – we weren't able to physically be with each other for significant periods of time!

The thing that confused me about all this was Pat's job; or more to the point, the fact that as part of her job she had seen just about every conceivable size of penis, and more than a few erect ones, due to bed-bathing and such. I couldn't quite get my head around why she thought I was 'too' big for her.

Pamela was about to enlighten me on that score though.

“You don't look too happy at me knowing such personal stuff about you” she said, “and I can understand that. It's just that mum has only had two lovers before you, and they were both, well, quite small”.

“Oh, that's alright, really” I said, hopefully convincingly, “since you put it like that, it makes sense”.

Past partners was something Pat and I had never really spoken about to any great degree, mostly because she knew about my wife through Debbie, and I've never really been an advocate of knowing everything about another persons past. I've always felt that the person we meet is the sum of their life up until that point, and it isn't necessary to know exactly how they got to be that way. Pat seemed to feel the same way about these things, which was why we'd never really spoken of it.

“Anyway,” Pam continued speaking quickly, “I got to thinking about how I could help and I decided I would need to sort of 'test you out' for her”. Pamela's face was now scarlet in embarrassment once again, yet there was a strong air of defiance in her expression.

“I'm sure you think I'm mad,” she went on, “or I'm trying to break you up, or test you out or something......” her words tailed off faintly.

“Well – I'm not!” Pamela's eyes flashed with a dangerous fire, “but I've been racking my brains how to help, and this was what I felt would be best”.

As she finished her sentence, Pam stood up and walked over to stand directly in front of me. Taking both my hands in hers, she placed them on the firm curves of her hips and looked into my eyes as she went on,

“I want you to fuck me now, so I can reassure my mother that it will be alright for her to make love to you and not be physically hurt” she said, not taking into account the emotional side of the equation it seemed.

“I will never tell her about this night,” she went on, “and nor must you. It would destroy her. But I have to do it, so I know for sure you two will be suited”.
The selfish, they're all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind
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