01-09-2011, 07:25 PM
~a little bit naughty~
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Georgia
Posts: 23,422
1. I have a terrible lower back muscle issue that has given me massive pain for three straight day. I even broke down and went to the doctor yesterday for some drugs. They knock me out, but the pain is still there. Sheesh!
2. I came home early from work, in pain, and while going pee, I accidently (or stupidly) flush the toilet twice in a row, which causes the freaking thing to do this running noise. So, I lift up the lid to fix it, but the lid slips out of my hand and falls behind the toilet and breaks the fucking water line!! Water is pouring everywhere and I'm screaming for my boyfriend. He rushes in and then rushes out and shuts off the main water line.....for the whole building. I call the apartment office and get a recording. I call 911 who is able to reach our handyman better than me. The pipe is eventually fixed, the mess cleaned up (by the boyfriend since I'm on the couch feeling like an idiot and blasting my back with a heating pad!)
3. I haven't been able to reach my daughter in over two days. WTF is she up to now!!!
Thank you for listening
Jseal, for the above comment 