07-29-2010, 07:07 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 4,670
I really saw a huge cultural difference between myself and my coworker today!!!
Somehow, the 15 mm of rain we were supposed to get today avoided us entirely. We were able to work all day in the field after all! The wind nearly blew us away though.
I am sooo tired when I get home from work. Tonight after work I thought, I'll stop by Tim Hortons and grab a coffee, hoping it would keep me awake a bit. It didn't. I fell asleep and slept even more soundly than usual until Wilderness got home.
Si à travers nos veines coule encore le sang...
Si dans les jeux d'enfants on entend encore l'accent...
Si nous sentons encore l'espoir de nos grands-parents...
Si dans les voiles du large souffle encore le vent...
Y'a jamais eu de Grand Dérangement.