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Old 09-18-2009, 02:56 PM
Jude30 Jude30 is offline
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Originally Posted by Irish
Many will disagree but they have screwed up everything
else,so thats one of the reasons that I don't want it!
The straw that broke the camels back was when he couldn't understand why
someone who voulenteered wouldn't voulenteer to pay for their war injuries!
As a 10% Disabled VN Veteran,that just didn't make sense to me!I voulenteered but not to get shot or shrapneled(sp?) Irish

This is so much fucking bullshit. The whole they screw everything up argument is flawed beyond belief. I don't know about the rest of you but the roads I drive on are smooth and safe. We have a quality military. When properly funded other government agencies do a good job keeping us safe and regulated.

I hate to break it to people but libertarianism died with the economy last year. The whole concept that when left unregulated, and unwatched the system will regulate it self fell apart with the housing market, and economy.
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