Thread: Mouse...grrrrr
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Old 08-26-2009, 10:48 PM
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Fangtasia Fangtasia is offline
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I generally only buy logitech. The cordless optical i bought was not cheap, i had no time lag problems, but it caused my puter to freeze, turn off and other weird crap *L* So i'll just stay away from cordless completely on this puter. On a new one, if it happens *sigh* i'd happily go cordless.

I do prefer the optical meeces to the ball type anyway, so that is more than likely the type i'll replace with. The one on it is a Compaq optical mouse, and it has been brilliant upto the scrolly thingy crapping out, mind you it came with the puter originally and has had LOTS of use *L*
Equality for all
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