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Old 06-15-2009, 08:10 PM
Jude30 Jude30 is offline
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Originally Posted by Lord Snow
Question: How do you level a priest solo without dieing every 5 minutes? A friend of mine and myself started a pair of priests. He's trying to catch up to my hunter and I'm trying to catch my priest up to him. He's several levels ahead of me as he has more time to play. I can't seem to complete a quest without dieing constantly. It wasn't like this on the other three toons I leveled.

Step one don't level as holy. Shadow is your best bet for leveling.

What I have found trying to level my priest is that you can't do the same things you've done as a dps class. Where as my mage could routinely take on mobs three levels higher than him (and could have out damaged mobs even five levels over him if it wasn't for resists) a priest is lucky to take on equal level mobs. So as a priest you have to stick with greens. Unless it's undead mobs, and then you can probably go with yellows.

Best suggestion I can give though is to not do two priests together. I'd go with another healing class but one that can tank a little. Priest, paladin would probably be the best combo, but priest druid would probably be pretty nice too. I really couldn't tell you how a priest shammy combo would do.

Here's a guide for you.
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