06-05-2009, 09:14 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 4,670
I thought only the right side of my head was turning white, but I found half a dozen white hairs on the left side of my head too. By 30 I may have a whole head of white hair, if it keeps going the way it is.
I participated in a major spring cleaning at work today. Chlorine smells so clean.
I acquired yet another geranium today. What on earth will I do when winter hits again and all these plants have to come back inside???
Si à travers nos veines coule encore le sang...
Si dans les jeux d'enfants on entend encore l'accent...
Si nous sentons encore l'espoir de nos grands-parents...
Si dans les voiles du large souffle encore le vent...
Y'a jamais eu de Grand Dérangement.