05-08-2009, 10:32 PM
Turn it up!
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Music City
Posts: 9,293
I think I mentioned last year that Gillette sent me a new Fusion (5 blade) razor, + shave gel, in honor of my 18th birthday...ok, since they the day right, & the per annum close + 35 yrs, I chose to keep it. Turns out to be quite a racket for them, 5 refills set me back @25 clams.
For you, LS, I'd suggest you stay with the Mach 3, & seeing as how your main squeeze likes you w/a little stubble between shaves, I'd go with an electric grooming system a la my Norelco...it's a good way to keep just the right scruff level, & a must-have if you plan to graduate up to facial-hairy status like us old guys do (to cover our double/triple/etc chins, of course).
Plug me into somethin'
If the theory does not conform to the facts, then the facts must be discarded.
No good deed ever goes unpunished
Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level, & beat you with experience.