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Old 04-18-2009, 01:21 AM
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pinkFlames pinkFlames is offline
Pretty 'n Pink
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Originally Posted by FlirtWithMe
Suspicious because I feel so well I was told it was going to take about a month for me to feel this well. Not complaining, just wondering when I'm going to crash and wanting to get that part over with

I never felt worse emotionally when I first went on anti-depressants but I did feel exhausted and my sex drive dropped temporarily. The exhaustion was a good thing to me as it helped me to reverse bad sleep patterns. As for the sex drive, once my body adjusted well......
Can I drink your bath water can I have your smelly underwear
I just wanna hold it smell it throw it in the air
Can you hold me tight and whisper dirty little nothings when I come
Just don't keep me hanging I've been hanging much too long

Espen Lind ~ Baby You're So Cool
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