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Old 12-03-2002, 12:51 AM
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Sugarsprinkles Sugarsprinkles is offline
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There is definitely a case to be made for "if you don't like the subject, don't read it!" But, as Aqua said, sometimes you can't tell from the title of the thread exactly what it will be about. And by the time you start reading, you're hooked and have to finish. Yes, some of them make you incredibly sad, some make you angry, and some you really feel the other person's hurt.
We ARE a family here..surprising as that is to someone new who naturally expects everything here to revolve around sex.
I have certainly posted my share of threads asking for support from my friends here. And I'm eternally grateful for that support!
I'm glad that BamaKyttn and Grumbleguts felt comfortable enough with us and trusted us enough to start the threads in question. And that those that posted to BamaKyttn's thread, exposing their secrets felt that same trust and comfort. I don't know of many other places where we could expose our souls like this and not get flamed or ridiculed.
But perhaps dzbuster isn't completely off base...and maybe we do need a new forum called the Support Forum or Pixies Supporting Pixies Forum or some other clever title? That way only those that are truly interested have to read those types of posts.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" Benjamin Franklin
My Stories:
Dream Date
Just Desserts
Internet Lovers Meet - Part 1
Internet Lovers Meet - Part 2
Internet Lovers Meet - Part 3
My Birthday - A Fantasy
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