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Old 01-18-2009, 03:21 AM
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FlirtWithMe FlirtWithMe is offline
Call me FWM :)
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Across the pond
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Lilith, great that you lost 2lbs AND aren't snacking in the evenings Sounds like you and Nat have both had tough weeks at work - here's to a calmer week next week

Walked an hour on the treadmill on Saturday, at a slightly slower pace than I do when following the walking plan. I am going to try to do the same today. I might do it now, in fact, to get it out of the way. Very busy day for the rest of today so should burn some more calories.

Four sets of 50 sit-ups. The final set was a challenge, to say the least I am going to increase this to 6 sets of 50 from Monday.

Weigh-in tomorrow.
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