Thread: Intro yourself
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Old 10-21-2008, 09:17 PM
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pinkFlames pinkFlames is offline
Pretty 'n Pink
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: At the bottom of the great big Vegemite jar
Posts: 12,199
As is typical for me, I've waited till my 500th post to actually say "Hi". It's hard to believe I've clocked up 500 posts in less than one month.

I originally ventured over here to read someone's naughty stories, liked the place and decided to move in. I'm really grateful for the welcome from the other Smut Gamers.

Anyway I'm a 43 year old mother, raising my daughter on my own. I have a great boyfriend but he'd rather ride his motorbike than me, so I just hang out here a lot with my new family of pervs.

I have a twisted sense of humour, love reading (mostly the computer screen these days), animals, Barbie and collecting pink household goods.

Here's to the next 500 posts.
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