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Old 10-05-2008, 09:30 PM
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shadowsfate shadowsfate is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Midwest
Posts: 728
Ok , I've finally (yeah, I'm a bit slow at times, especially posting in "new" places) decide to add my comments. I've been playing nearly 2 years, after a co-worker "dragged" me into playing. I started as Alliance on Azshara, but wound up switching to the Horde. Currently I play mostly on Spirestone; though I do have characters on Azshara, Ravencrest, and Velen (for those rare occasions that I want to "get away" from the people I know on Spirestone). And since I get bored playing the same character all the time (which is probably another reason I have characters on 4 servers, lol), I'm running one of every class on Spirestone (my main is a 70 tauren enhancement shammy).

Currently, I'm more of a casual type of player, I've yet to do any raids (mainly cause the guild I'm in is still to small for raiding). My main focus currently is leveling my alts and prepping for Wrath.

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