02-29-2008, 05:07 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: North Australia
Posts: 17,687
This is only funny if you know Rugby.
A married couple were lying in bed together on the morning of their 10th
wedding anniversary when the wife says
"Darling, as this is such a special occasion, I think that it's time I made a confession................before we were married I was a hooker for 8 years. Hubby has a little think to himself and replies...
'My love, you have been such a wonderful wife for ten years it seems crazy that I would hold your past against you......in fact you could probably show me a couple of tricks to spice up our sex life a bit.....
wife says " I don't think you understand.....my name
was Arthur and I played with Parramatta...
Calm, quiet, smooth, devastating