Thread: Bastards-
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Old 02-22-2008, 10:58 PM
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wyndhy wyndhy is offline
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the mothers who show very little responsibility for the person they create are the villains here. people don't blame the babies any longer. in fact, they get more opportunities now than ever before, oliver twists no more if they choose.

a marriage means nothing if the only thing keeping it together is a piece of paper and government's stamp of approval and acceptance. a commitment to have a child is nothing like the commitment you make with another adult. and the desire to have a child doesn't require the experience of marriage or partnership to manifest or flourish, no matter the sex of the single parent. it's the intention of the parent, and depth of that parent's concern and involvement which matter.

kids will, on average, do better in life if they come from a childhood with two stable adults in it. that doesn't mean married parents, or even a mom and dad. it could be grandparents or guardians or much older siblings. but kids who come from single parent households only stand half a chance if the parent gives a crap.

sadly, i agree lil. the undereducated, apathetic parent is on the rise. we keep bailing them out because we must; every child deserves a shot at an education. yet our tolerance of the apathetic parent is sounded loud and clear every time we write a bigger check because she had another baby

a conundrum. what could be a solution?
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