Thread: $$Gas$$
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Old 01-17-2008, 08:51 PM
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Originally Posted by OrliFanatic
Fuel with 10% ethanol content i believe

Yes E10 is 10% Ethanol which any car made in the last 10 year can run on. We are now seeing E85 in our area, which is 85% ethanol and if you have a FFV(flex fuel vehical) it will run on E85 or E10 or regular gas. And before any says anything about power with E10 or E85 all Indy race cars run on 98% ethanol. They do not run on 100% ethanol because they would then have to pay a liquor tax. We have a station in town that the straight gas is 87 octane and cost 10cents a gal more than the 89 octane which is E10.
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