Thread: Intro yourself
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Old 01-16-2008, 03:49 PM
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DarkDesires DarkDesires is offline
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Sorry I'm late in the welcome!
I was also drawn here by the stories. Then I started "getting acquainted" with the regulars...outside looking in.
Seems to be a friendly abode!

Originally Posted by animal99
I'm rather new to here but not to the Internet. I'm 44..45..err..make that 47 - been a while since someone asked. Born and Raised in New York City, NY... but transplanted to Columbia, South Carolina.

I'm a College Professor in various computer Graphics classes. Graduated from NYU (Yay!) I was drawn here by the stories and found there was a forum used by mature and interesting people! Very Nice

I'm currently living with someone, for almost a lifetime... but happy to make new friends (Real life and Internet) - for chatting and sharing of info... So don't be shy... Say HI and become a friend I like talking to the ladies, to learn from their insights.. so don't be Afraid - It aint sexual it's just me being me
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