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Old 12-15-2007, 12:26 PM
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AZRedHot AZRedHot is offline
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Explain this to me, please.

So the cutline on the attached photo, from Hempfest 2007, is as follows: "Sarah Conway, who works for a company that makes decorative pasties, shows off the marijuana leaf model as she takes a smoke from a large joint." (August 18, 2007) Grant M. Haller/Seattle Post-Intelligencer

The pasty phenomenon is one that I've never quite understood. Who decided that it was the NIPPLE that made boobs sexual, and that covering it made one decent? Ms. Conway has a gorgeous rack, and personally, it is the curve of the breast (any breast) that I find aesthetically pleasing, more so than the nipple which, if we consider the situation from a natural point of view, is the most functional part of the breast. Now, if this gal has the confidence to go out in pasties, by all means, she should do so. I don't mind. However, the idea that this outfit is somehow more proper than her going out completely bare-breasted just makes me laugh. I think she just lacks commitment.

Anybody have any thoughts on this? Anyone? Bueller?
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