Thread: Why Am I so sad
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Old 11-12-2002, 11:43 AM
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ThePower of Chinese Woman
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yestersday i just make my hair into two twists to fall at my two solders. With 2 clips on my two sides of head. He said he hates that look coz it doesn't look like my age. I do love dress younger and look younger. I guess that is all women want.
he said he wants me maturer.

but sometimes he complained at other ladies young and nice. why can't i do like that, i look pretty and still have the body and look to dress like those girls. why can't i do that.
oh i hate the way he said that.

the dress i used to wear when i dated him, now i couldn't wear any more, coz if i put on, he said that look too chlidish, and he said i don't like chlidish.

so most of the time i dress very sexy, sometiemse like extremly sexy. I think he is a bit jealouse at me if other guys staring at my butt or boobs if i dress so sexy. but he didn't say much about it, he does love sexy look.

he said dress like a teenage always turn him off, but i think that is not always true to him. I think sometimes he love to look at young chick as well. why can't i do like that? i am still young, i have a very good body and nice face. why can't i be like that?

ah........i want to cry now.
In other countries like Far East Asia women are still held in LOWER esteem BUT in China, it’s a different story. Chinese women are much more aggressive and outspoken and held in Higher esteem.” I love Communist that provides males and females Equality and WOMEN’S Rights in China.
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