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Old 11-22-2007, 05:35 PM
Neige Neige is offline
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 4,670
I am very relieved that my great-grandmother is not doing anywhere as badly as was reported yesterday. I am, however, pissed off at my great-aunt who claimed that my great-grandmother was dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It snowed last night!!!!! It's snowing again now!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm only not glad about the freezing rain that fell between the snowfalls - it's going to be slippery out there.

I am making supper for the sexy chef, and he said he'd bring me burritos. He takes such good care of me

Si à travers nos veines coule encore le sang...
Si dans les jeux d'enfants on entend encore l'accent...
Si nous sentons encore l'espoir de nos grands-parents...
Si dans les voiles du large souffle encore le vent...
Y'a jamais eu de Grand Dérangement.
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