11-11-2002, 10:48 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Texas
Posts: 14
I was just reading this post and thought I would add my two cents in some what 5 months later. Anyway, the best way I found is to use "Majic Shave" (get it at dollar store) I have tried all kinds of hair remover and nope no work but this stuff will make you smooth as a babys butt and will keep ya that way for about 2 to 3 days and when regrowth starts, it doesn't itch (me anyway)
You can do your Cock, Gonads, and Taint all at one time. My wife uses it also for her snatch.
Blue/White can smell BAD
Gold/Black can smell OK
My girl is bowlegged, cause I like to eat with my hat on.