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Old 11-08-2007, 03:08 PM
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citrus citrus is offline
unregistered mutt. woof!
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Fantasies
Posts: 972
Imagine the anomaly of a reality of the man with two penises. It'd probably be be a deformaty where the shaft of the penis is somehow made cleft or failed to completely join and grew out as if it were a giant vulva during the genital development phase of the fetus. A bifurcated penis. One with the urethra and the other without, while both get erect one larger than the other. Question? Which would have the frenelum and glans? What about the foreskin?
I like; a) taint brushing: b) a good cigar: c) our juices together; d) champagne: e) protein squirts; f)more of these; g)much more of these; h) Damn, slide that thing into me. Deep!
Adage: 2 things are certain in life; Death & Taxes. Therefore; God & Beelzebub had a meeting to fix the problem. A mighty storm prevailed for ages until finally they ended the storm with the agreement: From now on Anyone whom chooses doesn't have to die. "Everyone wins said Beelzebub. You get an eternally grateful bunch of worshippers praying forever for lower taxes as I goad & prod them forever with higher & higher taxation."
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