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Old 11-10-2002, 01:56 AM
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BIBI BIBI is offline
Made in England
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
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Arriving late in the evening a newlywed couple checked into a fishing resort for the honeymoon.
Tired they went to bed and the groom was up and out at five to go fishing.
He comes back at night for dinner at 5 and eats alone in the dining room, has a few drinks and goes to bed at closing.
Day two the same things happen...up and out at 5, back at 5, dining room till closing and then off to bed.
The owner notices this and he feels it is a puzzling way to spend a honeymoon.
Day three arrives and the groom goes once again fishing at 5 in the morning and returns at 5 in the evening. The owner follows him into the dining room to see if his bride is going to join him. Needless to say she doesnt and so at closing the owner ventures over to the young man and says " Arent you on your honeymoon?" The man replies "yes sir, why?"
The owner goes on to explain that he found it odd that his new wife never leaves the room and all he does is fish...The owner says that he should be up in the room fucking his new bride.
The young man replies...she can't fuck for she has syphillis. The owner says...then have her give you blow jobs, to which the young man replies...She cant sir, she has pyrreha...Frustrated the owner says then for gods sake man fuck her in the ass.!!!! The young man shakes his head and tells him that he cant do that either for she has piles...Completely frustrated the owner of the resort yells at him...THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU MARRY THE WOMAN THEN??????

To which the young man calmly replies, "Well sir, it's like this. I love fishing and she's got worms!"
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