I have such a mixed bag of feelings about my own body image.
I am a large woman and have fought with this stuff for years.
Growing up in an overly critical home, with parents who were terrified of fat or anything that wasn't the usual, created so much self hate that it didn't matter WHAT I looked like, I hated myself.
NOW...I don't know what happened but for the most part I love ME.
I'm still VERY insecure but I try real hard to love ALL of me, because it's too harmful in my brain to hate myself.
I've seen such beautiful people who loath themselves and it's very sad.
And yes, I've noticed men sometimes feel insecure too.
The really funny thing is that I could care LESS about someone's looks. It matters not to me what's on the outside...and I end up adoring what I see on the inside.
Isn't it sad what we do to ourselves?
I guess I just figure when it comes down to it, if I don't love me...who will? It has to start somewhere....