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Old 10-24-2007, 12:22 AM
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plbrad plbrad is offline
oral gratifier
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: So Cal
Posts: 59
Sorry guys, I'll be more detailed this time.

I got it done about two weeks ago. It really didn't hurt at all. Much less than a tongue piercing or even a finger prick at the doctors office. I got the 10 gauge barbell mid way across the underside of the shaft. Love the look of it and would do it again. It feels very different for the first few days. Jogging and runnig hurt at first just because it is sensitive banging against your legs. Peeing is normal. Any soreness is pretty much gone now.

Healing takes 6 weeks so I haven't had sex yet, I think sex would be painful right now, but she loves the way it looks and I slipped it in the other night just to see how it felt. She said she could feel it right away and that she can't wait until its fully healed. Sex from behind should hit the g-spot and be very pleasurable.

Hope that helps. Ill get pics when I have something besides a camera phone.
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