09-13-2007, 08:40 AM
Mrs FussyPucker
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: England
Posts: 3,635
Originally Posted by imajica
I am cut and glad to be so...it feels good and plus it adds a closeness to your partner as most men are cut, so it adds a togetherness and appreciation. And you never need much lubrication if you're pitching alone!
Most men are not necessarily cut. Certainly in Britain it is not the norm.
I think it's interesting that most men feel that the way their's is, is the best. Not many men here who say 'I haven't been, but would like to be' or vice-versa. I suppose it's hard to imagine it any other way, since it's usually done (or not done) in infancy.
"Time flies like an arrow -
Fruit flies like a banana"
M Y - N A U G H T Y - P I C T U R E S ! !