09-05-2007, 07:45 AM
pixie of the wood
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 10,575
that's exactly why we didn't have the boy circumcised ^^^ if he wants it, he can have the procedure done later but it can't go the other way. and like lou and fussy, we just couldn't bring ourselves to get it done at birth. when we realized the only reason we were even considering it was so that he would "look like" his dad, and the majority of his peers, we realized how crazy that sounded. the neonatal doc at the hospital told us it's becoming less common to circumcise - at least in our area.
our pediatrician is british and he gave us beaucoup kudos. the other docs at the practice and most of the nurses didn't censure exactly but did say something like "oh, he's uncircumcised" (cause i'm very quick to point it out at check-ups lest some gung-ho med tries to pull the foreskin back prematurely).
i admit i do worry that we made the right decision for him, i wouldn't want him to have to feel embarrassed about his penis, but we wouldn't do it any differently if given the chance.