Thread: Cut or Not?
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Old 09-03-2007, 09:55 PM
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Cut or Not?

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day (she was obsessing over Daniel Radcliffe) and she happened across a full front-on nude photo of him and started freaking out. She's a bit of a nympho, but sometimes not to bright (she admits this herself ) and so she keeps asking me what's wrong with his member, and that it's not "normal". She forced me to click the link (which is fairly difficult to do as I, no offense to anyone here, don't consider looking at penises a pleasurable affair) and it was a perfectly normal shot, except he was uncircumcised. This seemed completely bizarre to my friend and turned her off almost completely to this man-boy she admires. So a few questions.

Guys: Are you cut or not?

Women: Do you prefer a guy that's circumcised over those that aren't? Vice-versa? Would one way be less of a turn on than another?
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