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Old 08-15-2007, 06:41 AM
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Wicked Wanda Wicked Wanda is offline
Gone with the Wind
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: some place new, and interesting
Posts: 862
(He) "doth protest too much, methinks"

It's about power. He will fight against himself and his own nature to gain and keep power. Right now that means adopting the conservative, (Republican) ideals, even though that is antithetical to his own nature. (and desires, it appears) Maybe there's a little self hate too. And more than a touch of racial bigotry. In any case, his political career is going to go "kablooey" (I hope)

or, in Mickey's words...

"nya nya nya nya, piggy"

(she does cut through to the core of things, doesn't she?)

"I wondered, am I a lesbian, am I straight, or bisexual? Then I realized that I am just a slut.
So where's MY parade?"

---Margaret Cho
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