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Old 07-31-2007, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by moose
i have a fuji and although i like the camera i would not rave about it, i tends to take a lot of out of focus shots on auto focus without me hsving any acachol at all, i have canon at work that cost less than mine and takes excellent pics. i do suggest you get greter than 5 mp and the higher th optical zoom the better as this actually takes the lens in and out whereas the digital zoom only blows up the pixels and you can end up with blocky pics

The fuji is the one i'll be getting, i must say i've had a wee play with them both in the store and prefer the Fuji myself...most i've spoken to seem to prefer it over the canon also. Auto focus tends to make blurry shots...thats why i'm after manual focus. i think its a 6 or 7mp camera (cant recall exactly) and has 10x optical zoom
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