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Old 11-03-2002, 09:57 PM
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Originally posted by A.K.'s Sex-Pot
Just to qualify what I said earlier. . .

When we are talking about 'sexual peak' we are talking about the height of a persons libido, not their performance. A man's libido is at its most potent when he is about 18 while for a woman it's when she is about 30.

In fact I'd say that the fact that a guy of 18 does have such a high sex drive is what can sometimes lead to them not being such good lovers. They are rushing sex because they want it so much and need very little in the way of foreplay. As they get older, they are no in such a desperate state of need all the time and can have more patience to please their partner.

Just one of my many theories about sex . . .
AK, you are very astute for one so a man in my 40s, I pretty much agree with your theories,'s not that my need is not so great, it's more like...I'm more patient now, it's not a race to get to the orgasm, now I can take time to enjoy pleasuring my partner till I get there myself...
Plug me into somethin'

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