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Old 07-29-2007, 05:44 AM
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IowaMan IowaMan is offline
Leo was right
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Eastern Iowa
Posts: 17,778
Happy Birthday ReaperWoman!!!

Happy Birthday RW!!!

You are an amazing young lady that I am very proud to call my friend. Hopefully you have an incredible celebration on your special day dear. May the upcoming year be filled with happiness and success for you!

Oh.......... and I'm still thinking that I know of a great destination for your next vacation.

Happy 20th ReaperWoman!
It takes a gutless mouse to play only when the cat's away.

No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever. ~~ Francois Mocuriac

Confucius say, "He who masturbate into cash register come into money."

An optimist looks at the glass and says it's half full. A pessimist looks at the glass and says it's half empty. A Cubs fan looks at the glass and says, "When's it gonna spill?"

Deus Impetitio Esuritori Nullus
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