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Old 07-14-2007, 08:59 PM
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CunningLinguist CunningLinguist is offline
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Posts: 545
The sad fact is that as a worker in this country you're rights are pretty limited. Basically, at this moment, a worker may be fired for any lifestyle choice including homosexuality or swinging (ain't protected by law yet).

Again, CunningLinguist - I am sorry that you have had some bad experiences obviously linked to smoking/smokers.

Just sharing why there is such smoking hatred.

I understand that you don't like the habit.

On the contrary, I don't really care what you do in your spare time or even at your job since we don't work together and I doubt anyone is abusing it to the levels I've seen.

It would probably surprise you that I am totally against smoking bans in bars.

I also understand that you have had some bad experiences at your workplace that, frankly, would upset me as well and is plain not fair.

And I also know I could quit at any time. I know people who quit any job when they ask for a drug test. They are good workers, and some of them don't even use drugs, but it is the principle of the thing.

Not for you because you don't like it - or other non-smokes don't like it, but for us and our family.

Well, your only going to quit when you make the decision to quit, and I'm not going to lecture you on it until your habit starts infringing on me. You'd have to really go out of your way to get to that point.

This is about those in charge taking steps to affect the behaviors of their employees, whether they are smokers or drinkers, or surf the net for porn.

Every place I've ever worked at will fire a person on the spot for drinking on the job or surfing for porn. When I was doing computer security for Dupont, I saw the tickets filed where an engineer was caught with a stash of porn on her computer. It's not a joke.

The object of this discussion that I started happened to be around the smoking issue, but substitute that vice for anything else you would have a choice to do in your life. From eating chocolate to smoking to drinking to walking around naked in your own home.

1) Eating Chocolate: People don't use it as an excuse to waste company time, like I've seen so many smokers do.

2) Smoking: At my current job, it is leading to a 25% loss in productivity. I'd quit my job right now, but I've realized that since I chose to work as an unskilled, uneducated laborer I'm going to get the same treatment everywhere. It was only when I was treated as an educated professional that I was seen as more than a faceless peasant to be replaced on a whim.

3) Drinking: You're going to get fired for drinking on the job anywhere you go except if you work in a bar or own the company.

4) Naked in the home: No job should be able to fire anyone for doing something on their time even if they are doing drugs, smoking, drinking, having unprotected sex with multiple partners or sacrifice bulls to Sargas, Lord of Vengeance.

I do think the searching your cars is a bit over-reacting, and I wouldn't sweat it. If you do find out that they are firing people for having cigarettes in their car, then I would be re-writing a resume and looking for a new job even though I don't smoke. No job should feel the right to check your car, your purse, etc.
Well sir that seems to be someone else's problem.
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