Originally Posted by Cheyanne
CunningLinguist - I don't want this to turn into a heated debate where people get angry with each other. I am sorry that you are treated so unfairly in your work place and your experiences can cause a person to be bitter at the difference in treatment at the workplace.
And when I open my brewpub in Austin, it will be a non smoking work place. In fact, I won't even hire smokers.
And I have every right to be angry. If they decided that all the Inuit or only men got a break, but Mexicans and women never get a break, then there would be a lawsuit. As a non-smoker, I can't even file a suit saying I am treated unfairly or if I did it would seem absurd.
I didn't make clear in my first post that I was more troubled by the administration trying to control people outside of the workplace during non-working (unpaid) hours.
Are you getting health insurance form your company? You and your S/O's habit are causing the premium rates to go up for everyone who doesn't smoke?
No, I didn't see where they said you couldn't smoke in your own home. You can even smoke in your car! I can't drink beer in my car during my commute. I can't even go get a cold one at the store down the street during my lunch break. Come on, I'm a 220 pound man in excellent health, it's not like one beer makes me unable to work. Who's vice is getting the unfair treatment now?
If I don't smoke, it isn't an issue for me, but if my husband smokes in our vehicle, it will be an issue for me.
My dad was given several company computers and internet access in the 90's through his job so he can work on his certifications. He personally hates pornography, but his teenage son thought it was the bee's knee's and visited pornography sites while his mom and dad weren't around. My dad could have very well been fired, post haste, without even a second thought if his boss found out that I was surfing the internet for porn. I didn't think it was fair when I was 15 either.
My point is that maybe your husband should know about the bullshit rules. Use his car to drive places.
They are trying to dictate the behavior of my husband who also owns the vehicle that I drive.
OK, that's why i asked which state you were in. If you were in Texas this would be a non issue since your car is considered your property and therefore an extension of your castle. This means you can be naked in your car, shoot someone carjacking you, receive a blow job, etc. However, if you are caught having sex in a car on the side of the road by the police they will cite you for indecent exposure if you are in any form of undress (pants unzipped, blous unbuttoned, etc.) This is something I learned in college.
I said in an earlier post that a woman was fired in Alabama becuase she put a bumper sticker on her property. The problem is that in Alabama the property rigths of the person who owned the land (her employer) trumped the property rights of the driver.
By stating that even having butts in the ashtray or tobacco products in a private vehicle they are trying to dictate 'his' behavior by punishing me.
Well, unless you are under contract you can quit your job and go someplace else. I live like a monk, and save up everything I can so I can have the freedom to tell my boss to go fuck himself when I get tired of it.
BTW - my schedule allows for me to have a 15 min break in the morning, 1/2 hour lunch, and another 15 min break in the afternoon (all of which is unpaid - whether I take it or not or if I eat my lunch at my desk).
1) At least you get a break. There are usually no laws stating they even have to give you a break. It depends on the state though. I've worked more than one job where I put in long shifts with no breaks.
2) You must stay on the clock for any break less than 25 minutes, but they company may also dictate that you must stay at your work station. If the break is over 25 minutes, then the company has the right to force you to clock out, but you are free to go wherever you want as long as you are clocked out and can make it back to your workstation in time. This is retty much the only federal law on breaks. Any state law which gives you more freedoms trumps this obviously.
If I chose to smoke during my unpaid time (which is mine), then there shouldn't be an issue as far as them dictating my behavior during my own time. I have never been in a workplace that allows employees to be able to have a 'smoke break' every hour. Your managers must truly suck!
I'm on the very low end of the income/skills scale despite having a college education and some intelligence. And yes, when I worked in a professional environment I didn't get this kind of crap, but people also had the professionalism to not abuse the system and take a smoke break all afternoon like I have seen.
If your job has security cameras and passes. They can monitor the people leaving the building to go smoke in the parking lot. Of course, if I was the boss and people were going out to their car to smoke I would fire them on the spot and replace them with someone who is willing to actually work.
I have a feeling this is also as a result of rising healthcare costs. They are trying to get some people to stop smoking to get lower rates.
Don't worry, fat people are next, and I would be screwed since they will likely go by BMI and not body fat percentage.