Originally Posted by Cheyanne
This, however, is the issue I am having. In addition to the use on the grounds, there is a "possession of" on the grounds - even in a private vehicle. If Cobalt wasn't quiting, and smoked in our vehicle - I could still be 'charged' with insubordination if the ashtray in our vehicle has cig butts (or even if he forgot and left his cigarettes in the car) in it as there is tobacco products in my vehicle parked on the grounds. What I could do is park on a public road, but with my job that is nearly impossible as I have to carry heavy stuff to and from my vehicle. (I use my own vehicle to go back and forth between all the buildings - not a company vehicle).
Are you in America? What state are you in? As most states in America have right to work laws which means your employer can and will fire you at any time for any reason. (Except race, ethnicity, religion, gender, handicap)
In 2004, a woman was fired from her job at an Alabama Factory because the owner didn't like her Kerry bumper sticker.
I want to start something about high energy caffeine drinks... lol Gotta get back at all those non-smokers who have a caffeine habit..
Or how about those who have treats in their desks? They draw mice.. mice transfer disease.... not to mention the obesity epidemic.
Well, I went on a full on rant about this a few months ago, and it is still an issue that chaffes me.
Fuck smokers. I know that sentiment won't make me popular around here, and it never does. However, I'm not upset that it is a nasty habit. I really don't care that you are going to die of heart and/or lung failure. And I live in an area surrounded by oil refineries so second hand smoke doesn't bother me as I know I will get cancer anyways.
So why all the smoking anger?
How many packs do you smoke at work everyday? On average how many hours are on your paycheck that are spent outside in the smoking area?
At every job I've been at it seems that smokers get on average a 5 - 15 minute break on the hour, every hour.
At McDonald's they thought of nothing to let a 16 y/o pregnant girl get a smoke break everyday, but I was expected to work my entire shift most days without a break. A man does get hungry after a while.
At my current job, I'm the only non-smoker. I find myself being the only person in the shop doing any work while everyone else is all outside sucking on a fag. I get yelled at if after loading a series of heavy tanks my boss comes outside and sees that I am taking a few minutes to bullshit with the truck driver and help him strap down his load. Hell, yesterday we were all scraping hardened wax off of a mold, and one guy decided it was time for a smoke ad I decided it was time to get a drink of water. Guess who got yelled at for slacking off?
So yeah, telling a person that a cigarette takes 5 minutes off their like won't affect them if they know each smoke will give them 15 minutes of their boss off their back.
Also, smoking is the only vice that's allowed in the work place.
Does your job allow people to sneak in a flask of whiskey and take a few sips throughout they day?
Could someone light up a quick jay at 4:20 to help them relax and focus on finishing their work?
I personally would like to have the balls to ask if my company will put in a magazine rack so I can go beat it every hour. Maybe I'll make the suggestion in my letter of recommendation.
All three of those things are notorious and common vices. All three of those things are also addictive, and none of them are necessary for survival like a water, lunch or bathroom break. And all three of these things would make my work day a lot more enjoyable. And yet, smokers seem entitled to their breaks, and will even argue the law on breaks.
Oh, and many places don't allow food and drink in the work area. It's a good idea since it keeps down the ants and roaches and a coke will ruin expensive equipment. Plus, there is always the off chance that the coffee cup you picked up has something other than coffee.