I am a smoker. Cobalt is a smoker. Both of us just got a prescription for Chantix with the hopes that it will assist us in our quit. The choice to quit was based on many things, primarily health (of us and family members) and the expense. We both wished we had never started, but when we did - it wasn't this big deal about health & expenses... hindsight...
My workplace has just passed as a policy to be tobacco free. The policy states that no one can use tobacco products (including chew) on the grounds. This includes in a private vehicle parked on the grounds. I don't have an issue with this at all. In fact, I think it is a good thing.
This, however, is the issue I am having. In addition to the use on the grounds, there is a "possession of" on the grounds - even in a private vehicle. If Cobalt wasn't quiting, and smoked in our vehicle - I could still be 'charged' with insubordination if the ashtray in our vehicle has cig butts (or even if he forgot and left his cigarettes in the car) in it as there is tobacco products in my vehicle parked on the grounds. What I could do is park on a public road, but with my job that is nearly impossible as I have to carry heavy stuff to and from my vehicle. (I use my own vehicle to go back and forth between all the buildings - not a company vehicle).
While I understand and agree with the policy - I believe that this aspect of it is taking it too far as they are not only trying to dictate my behavior, but that of my spouse as contained in our privately owned vehicle.
I want to start something about high energy caffeine drinks... lol Gotta get back at all those non-smokers who have a caffeine habit..
Or how about those who have treats in their desks? They draw mice.. mice transfer disease.... not to mention the obesity epidemic.