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Old 10-31-2002, 09:38 PM
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Missy1965 Missy1965 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
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Wink Horny all the time

Ok.....To all the ladies out there of all ages. Guys feel free to jump in too I would like to hear your input as well. When would you say is the age that we supposedly hit our sexual peak? I am 37 and have been having sex for quite a few years and I gotta say that for the past few weeks I can't seem get enough of it. Maybe it has something to do with finally being with someone who totally pleases the hell out of me because I never enjoyed, wanted or needed it as much as I have over the past year. I have actually become a freak about it. HaHaHa!!!! I have heard 30's are the prime for women and I have heard 40's and so on. If that is true boy do I have alot to look forward to. I would like to hear your comments on this. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
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