06-26-2007, 08:13 AM
I do naked cartwheels.
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,394
Never got anything pierced myself, and in no hurry to - maybe one day a nipple or something. But not in the next few years I don't think.
Sniffing around Google turned up this:
Originally Posted by http://www.bodym.com/piercing.htm
Prince Albert – Almost a household word! The Prince Albert is worn through the opening of the urethra and down through a hole pierced on the bottom base of the crown of the penis. A ring, circular barbell, or a curved barbell can be worn. Usually pierced at 10 gauge and are often stretched up in the future to larger sizes. This one bleeds quite a bit for the first day or so. A very fast healer constantly cleansed by the owner’s urine (sterile to your own system).
Estimated healing time: 4-6 weeks
Apadravya – The apadravya is vertical barbell through the head of the penis. The piercing is done by continuing the Prince Albert upward all the way through to the top. This piercing has the best reviews from women by far. It is however a very painful piercing and the top half can take a while to heal.
Estimated healing time: 3-6 months.
Ampallang – Horizontally placed through the head of the penis, it can be done through the urethra or not. We recommend the trans-urethral version for greater stability. Sometimes if it is not through the urethra, the piercing can migrate to crooked or even move all the way out. The needle is guided through the very sensitive tissue and through the stiff urethra. Come prepared with some food in your system, another very painful piercing.
Estimated healing time: 6-9 months
Dydoe – Dydoes are good for those with a well-defined ridge on the top edge of the crown of the penis. Usually done in pairs, short barbells are placed along the crown ridge on the topside of the head. These can really move around during healing if the ridge is too shallow. Nice little toys if they remain stable – gives the top edge of your crown a little stiffness.
Estimated healing time: 9-12 weeks
Scrotum (Hafada) – Scrotum piercings are virtually painless and very easy to heal. Most people wear a ring through this piercing but you are not limited to it. Often, if placed in the center a barbell is worn. “Hafada” refers to a scrotum piercing placed to one side or the other on the scrotum. Just an old Hindi term really. They can be placed anywhere you want.
Estimated healing time: 6-8 weeks
Frenum – This piercing is named after its anatomical location, right down the middle on the bottom of the penis. Usually worn with barbells, but can have a ring that loops all the way around the top of the shaft. A frenum ladder is simply multiple frenum piercings. This piercing can increase sensitivity by pushing the sensitive tissue out there a little farther.
Estimated healing time: 9-12 weeks
Foreskin – This is for those who are not cut of course. Simply pierced through the foreskin that hangs loose when flaccid. They should never be too deep or the piercing can restrict movement of the skin when erect. Ultimately they should hang off the edge as decoration when flaccid and when erect sit tighter against the shaft of the penis as the foreskin expands giving a French tickler effect.
Estimated healing time: 9-12 weeks
Guiche – Mostly worn by men, but can be done on women. The idea of this one is to put some weight along the perineum. Pierced at thicker gauges like 10g, because they take a real beating from the edges of the thighs. Can be worn with a ring or a barbell. Motorcyclists, bicyclists, and horseback riders will take significantly longer to heal (you’ll be bouncing right on it – but that’s half the fun).
Estimated healing time: 6-9 months.
You know, Blackadder, for me socks are like sex. Tons of it about and I never seem to get any.
-- Prince George
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