Thread: How to shave?
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Old 06-05-2001, 05:58 PM
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CptMorgan CptMorgan is offline
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Question How to shave?

Well, I have a question for all you out there, but first, some background.

My better half shaves her pussy. I prefer it that way, as I enjoy performing orally tenfold more. However, whenever she shaves, there are some places that are hard for her to get, be is akwardness or fear, such as directly above her clit or directly beside her lips. And the part that is shaved, you can still see the hair, though it is shaved relatively smooth, like a guy who shaves his face with a crappy disposable. She also has to shave nearly every day, as after 24 hours it is scratchy and "5 o'clock shadow"ed, so to speak.

My question is how can she get a better shave? Those of you that do not have this problem, how do you do it? For example, HotAsJuly posted a picture ("Pictures of Women -> a piece of me") and she has a beautiful pussy. Shaved perfectly with nothing missed. What does my woman have to do to be like that? How long does it take before it is scratchy that way?
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The Captain
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