10-28-2002, 01:49 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3
don't mean to break up the all girl party here but what about us guys and our body image. I have a treible body image and today's world of Abercrombie models does not help. I think that females have it tough but guys don't have it so easy. I am a big guy. A little overweight, but a massive bone structure. even if I was as skiny as I could be I doubt that I could fit in a size 34 jeans. even as a kid I got teased all the time. I look at pictures from then and I realize that I was not heavy just big. but that has sacerd me to the point that I dont think that I will ever get over it. because of this I drink too much, eat too much, smole too much and just found out that I am depressed and am going to have to get on medication for that. Yeah my life sucks but then whose doesn't. All I want is a gilfriend to take care of and tkae care of me, but noone want to date an overwieght, slovenly alcholic.