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Old 03-07-2007, 10:34 AM
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Originally Posted by WildIrish
Last night my headache didn't get so bad that I needed to take anything, so that's definately a step in the right direction.

Got a half decent night's sleep and had a nice hot breakfast. Maybe that'll help.

i haven't had a serious headache in some time, but i used to get terrible migraines, too, WI and i have a trick …. i worked for a sikh husband and wife making tourist t-shirts in ocean city one summer (yeah, i know...i shit you not, though) and the man gave me this neat trick that really works on occasion:

tuck your chin as far into your chest as you can, i mean really stretch your neck ... it's uncomfortable but trust me ... then breath in real, real slow, as deeply as you can, then exhale … real slow … until there isn't a molecule of air left in your lungs. don’t pant - don't wanna hyperventilate here - and don’t hold your breath at all … just breath in and out … it shouldn’t be making you dizzy and it isn’t supposed to be painful, exactly, but you do wanna expand your chest and stretch your neck a good bit more than they’re used to … keep it real slow and real deep and real steady, concentrate on what you're doing, don’t think of anything but your breathing and your body from your diaphragm to your chin.
Trees give peace to the souls of men * Nora Waln

The forest would be very quiet if no other birds sang than those who sing the best * Henry van Dyke

some fairly sordid tales, rambles, and anecdotes
Hypothetically Speaking * Something More * Cammy Interrupted * An Experimental Vacation * Masked * * Thank You * My toy, his idea * no.19 Maple Lane * I Have A Surprise For You * Yesterday * In a Quiet Kitchen * help me decide * untitled prose * more untitled prose
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