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Old 10-21-2006, 09:58 AM
Loren Loren is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 302
Originally Posted by Cheyanne
Guess What????

By putting in some of the Spanish keywords I picked from that alternative dictionary into our filtering device, 24 PAGES (each page contains 30 trys) of porn was blocked today, 8 students were banned from using the school computers, 8 parents were called, and 2 teachers received reprimands for leaving their class in the computer lab without supervision.

While I am glad that the filtering is doing its job, I am sad that there were this many instances as well as the instructors receiving reprimands.....

One thing you have to watch out for--what's dirty in one language might be ok in another.

The only example I'm aware of this involves Chinese and thus the confusion will only happen in speech. I know very little in the way of other languages, though.

My wife's native tongue is Chinese, she's not used to American newspapers. One day I was telling her where to find something and she couldn't understand where to find the cunt part of the paper. The Chinese don't label things with letters like we do, it didn't occur to her that section B might be a piece of the paper so she translated it. (She knew I knew the translation and it's not unusual for me to use what little Chinese I know mixed in with English when talking to her.)
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