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Old 10-18-2006, 11:12 AM
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Mark Vieth Mark Vieth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Melbourne, Australia
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You are not wrong there jax. In fact in those times they were alot more liberal in their thinking and weren't so up tight about it. Now days we have to be careful because we can get into all sorts of trouble if we have sex in public, in front of other people, in the middle of the city etc. We have instead been resigned to having sex at home, either in bed, on the couch or anywhere else you can do it that is comfortable. Society looks down upon this behaviour and yet at the zoo or even on tv when we see animals doing it we don't even batter an eyelid. If kids happen to see it happen at the zoo parents or teachers try to coerce the kids away from it. If it is on tv on the discovery channel etc parents will change the channel or send the kids away. I think that is so that they don't get the "what are they doing" questions and yet at school kids are being taught about their bodies and how object a inserts into slot b. It's ironic in funny way. Here we are trying to protect our kids from things and the schools are teaching them anyway and society frowns upon certain activities out in the open but at home we can do what we want.
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