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Old 10-14-2006, 05:26 AM
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Mark Vieth Mark Vieth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 482
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Lou. as I stated the main issue is communication. Most men want to try different things i.e. anal with their partner, or a proper blowjob. The same is try the other way as well with women wanting to try different things. There are some things that women won't do as stated by hot-vids about certain acts. I know of some women who haven't tried anal or given a bj simply because they don't want to or like it. The thing is, that unless you try it first you can't really say that you don't like it or want to do it. If you try it and you find it is not for you, then ok fair enough. Your partner backs down and they also realise that it can't be done. There is no harm in trying and most people are uptight or insecure because in the porn movies, mags etc, the girls take it up the rear without a second thought. So it has the negative effect of girls thinking that is what they are meant to be able to do with their partner. They also know the size of their partner and think "ouch I can't get that thing in there." So they say "no can do" to their partner. So then the cycle starts, he looks at porn with things that he can't do with his partner. She sees that and gets insecure and gets angry, upset etc and he thinks that she is having "one of her moments" and brushes it off/ignores it.

There was a saying that I remember, don't knock it until you have tried it. Most people in pixies have tried everything under the sun, within reason. There are some who are new to sex and it's many posibilites and as such are scared about certain details/things. So when one of their friends tries something and likes it they think they have to as well. Then they do try it and one of many things happen:a) It is a disaster because the person they do it with, is rough/rushes it etc and only worries about themselves, b) they end up liking it so much they want more and it gets to the point it becomes an addiction, c)it hurts so much they never want to try it again d)they do it and feel no different and they think it was a waste of time.

That is not to say that everyone is like that. It is just some scenarios to look at.

Anyway enough ranting for now.......
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