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Old 10-13-2006, 02:34 AM
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Loulabelle Loulabelle is offline
Mrs FussyPucker
Join Date: Jan 2003
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There are a LOT of generalisations in that theory.

In our house, until my maternity leave started two weeks ago we both worked and I got home an hour or so after him, then usually cooked dinner, went shopping, watched TV, talked to my family on the phone etc etc. and obviously in the last 7 months this has all been while pregnant. However still it is me who complains about not having enough sex, which I put down to him not being physically attracted to me. This has been something of an issue since before I was pregnant but since the appearance of bump/stretch marks etc has definitely got worse. I imagine I watch more porn and masturbate more than he does, and I would say, although it is in my nature to be more sexually adventurous than him, it is definitely an 'outlet' rather than my preferred method of sexual release. He, on the other hand, still masturbates (presumably!) and I'm sure still uses pornography, however he NEVER approaches me for sex. For this reason, my already heightened-by-being-pregnant insecurities are even more so, as I'm pretty sure he's not looking at slightly overweight pregnant brunettes with cellulite and stretch marks for his gratification.

Me being me, I don't blame him for this, but I would be lying if I said I was completely happy with the situation. I agree that communication is often a problem in relationships, although in our case, do you think I'd be posting this on a thread he may well read if I hadn't already made my feelings clear to him?! As far as I'm concerned he could watch all the porn in the world and masturbate 9 times a day, as long as he was still having sex with me, but when one takes precendent over the other, THAT'S when women get pissed off. When men are upstairs on the computer watching porn (which is NOT the case in this house, by the way) rather than playing with their kids, helping out with household responsibilities or spending quality time with their wives which may well end up leading to sex, that's when women resent porn.
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